"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



Who's Your Daddy? And really...

In case you are still under the false impression that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is different from Protestant Pentecostalism I am posting here part of an article by The Most Reverend William J. Levada, the former Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, who is now the prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.

It reveals where this so called “renewal” came from; heretical sects. Sad, but true, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal has never been a Catholic movement per se and consequently it has not renewed the Church; rather it contaminated it and continues to contaminate it with an alien spirit.

Pentecostal Catholics--The Catholic Charismatic Renewal

by The Most Reverend William J. Levada, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco

"Modern Pentecostalism began in 1906 in a small black Protestant church on Azusa Street in Los Angeles. It has had an astonishing growth -- first among Protestants in the United States, and in the latter decades of this century, across all denominations in Latin America, Africa and indeed throughout the world. Father Kilian McDonnell, OSB, the Collegeville Benedictine who is both theologian and chronicler of the movement, has recently opined that by the year 2000 the number of Pentecostals of all denominations will far exceed the number of Protestants and Orthodox combined.

The first group of Pentecostal Catholics experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the manner unique to Pentecostalism at Duquesne in Pittsburgh in 1967 and at Notre Dame in 1968. By 1972 Cardinal Suenens personally encountered the charismatic renewal, the preferred terminology for Catholics and mainline Protestants, for the first time during a visit to the United States. He was immediately taken by this encounter, appealing as it did to his keen desire to see the church flourish as in a new Pentecost through the work of the Holy Spirit. For him this amounted to a life-long goal."

For the full text of Archbishop Levada’s keynote address of May 31, 1996, delivered at the Cleveland symposium from which the foregoing was condensed, see Origins, CNS Documentary Service, June 20, 1996, Vol.26:No.5, The Charism of Cardinal Suenens. This article appeared in the February 1998 Edition of the San Francisco Charismatics (ISSN 1098-4056), the monthly newsletter of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Office of the Charismatic Renewal. The Charismatics is no longer published as directed by Levada then Archbishop of San Francisco.