"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



Charismatism burst upon the Catholic Church in the seventies riding on the latest wave of the Protestant Pentecostal Movement. And because there were Catholics, both clergy and laypeople who for some inexplicable reason wanted what the Protestants seemed to have, bit by bit they brought charismania into the Church. Forty years passed and we no longer recognize ourselves, because for the most part we stopped being Catholic.

The Catechism explains charismata in several paragraphs; always emphasizing they are for the Church and not for the individual who has them. Furthermore in Paragraph 2003 the Catechism states that charisms like miracles and tongues are "extraordinary". Then along comes the Charismatic Movement and we are told that no; tongues are actually normative components of Christianity - and perverse charismatic doctrines begin to spread in blatant disregard of the Catechism.

The Charismatic Movement doesn't exist officially, because much like the Medjugorje phenomenon, it has not been recognized by the Holy See. And no matter how laud or numerous its proponents get, nothing can change this, the Catholic Church cannot pronounce the Charismatic Movement authentic and in subsequent entries I will show you the reasons why.

The source of all Catholic teaching is Tradition and the Bible. The Dogmas, the Catechism, the Fathers' writings, the Canon Laws, and the Papal Encyclicals illuminate both Tradition and the Bible.

The claim that charismatic theology is based on either Tradition or the Bible is a fraud. The Charismatic Movement can justify itself only by PERVERTING Tradition and Bible. Charismatics favourite sourcing of course is the Bible, yet the Bible cannot substantiate charismatic theology at all; charismatic theology is not able to prove itself with the Bible except with REVERSE APPLICATIONS. Therefore, logic will always reject charismatic analysis of Bible passages as utter nonsense.

Charismatic theology is absent from Catholic Tradition as well. In fact nothing concerning the Charismatic Movement can ever move into the realm of Catholic Tradition, because the Charismatic Movement is a blatant contradiction to the Catholic faith. You see… rational evaluation is not possible; IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BRING SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS, on which the Charismatic Movement rests, INTO THE REALM OF CATHOLIC TRUTH. So for all intensive purposes the Charismatic Movement remains a delusion of silly people with as much authority as any man made religion or philosophy can appropriate on its own steam.