There was a friendly Filipino priest for a short time at the cathedral helping out the pastor. His name was Fr Jerry, if I remember correctly. He had a pink plastic rosary, which he didn’t much like. I had hoped someone got him a manlier rosary before he left. He came to our prayer meeting twice; he did a mass once in the basement, why I didn’t know, as nobody was using the church upstairs, and the second time he gave us a talk. He began with handing out a sheets of paper with spiritual exercises. He went through the exercises with us. He said the purpose of these exercises was to empty our minds so the Holy Spirit can come in uninhibited by our own thoughts and feelings he said. They were mostly breathing exercises and other techniques such as: Slowly count to ten, and then count backwards for however long it takes. I remember thinking this man is teaching us TM. But what came next was far more disturbing. Fr Jerry seemed to have opened up a floodgate of occult beliefs in the group. “I can make my husband put down the coffee cup in the morning. His hands just start shaking and he has to put the cup down.” laughed one woman. Mind control, ghost stories, wild dreams, evil entities were all put out on the table with a type of normative comfort. I doubt it very much that Fr Jerry’s teaching could have produced the same result on the Legion of Mary. But the prayer group is fertile ground for the occult. Of course Fr. Jerry was not as unique as one would think.
Here is a Catholic-Buddhist liturgy in France
Anhaga: Buddhist Monk’s Homily at Christmas Mass in South Korea
Catholics and Buddhists unite through contemplative prayer. Notice the priest before the Catholic altar and the Buddha statue.
Father Len Dubi: How Transcendental Meditation enriches my religious life
Assisi, St. Peter Church, 27th October 1986. A statue of Buddha is placed over the tabernacle. Buddhists make an offering with incense, Catholics priests assist to the ceremony.