"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).




Acupuncture claims to restore the balance of energy flow between the body and the universe. Except energy flow does not exist in the human body, so the supposed relationship of energy flow between the body and the universe is also invented. The technique of acupuncture (inserting needles into the body at key points) is used to "unblock and redirect energy flow". It is interesting that many of the needles are inserted in places with no nerve endings. Yet people will insist acupuncture relieves them from pain. But hey so does aspirin. It is truly remarkable how an odd procedure can survive for 3000 years and spread throughout the world without a single scientific study. Can acupuncture be just another harmless pseudoscientific hocus-pocus? It may be that, but then again it is worth remembering that acupuncture is the product of a philosophy that is perfectly inconsistent with Christianity.

Some people say acupuncture does not need to involve the occult. True enough, acupuncture need not involve the occult, but your acupuncturist might! How can you be sure what your acupuncturist is into? Is acupuncture not the practice of Taoism? Taoism is based on the interaction of two forces, yin and yang, influencing our destinies. Your acupuncturist may call himself a ‘Christian Acupuncturist’, but the two words cancel out each other. Christian means follower of Christ. There is no place for God in Taoism. Acupuncture may seem harmless even beneficial, but in fact it can be a doorway to the occult.


“Reiki ("ray-key") means "universal life energy" or "universal life force." Advocates describe Reiki as "a hands-on spiritual healing tradition" in which "spiritual energy" is communicated from one individual to another. Regarding its effectiveness, even Reiki practitioners acknowledge that "evidence for the efficacy of Reiki is mostly anecdotal, and clinical research is minimal."1

Reiki is neither healing, nor energy. To the natural mind the effects of Reiki is similar to a placebo; to the scientist Reiki is pseudoscience. That may well be, but Reiki is also a form of Tantric magic that opens the door to evil and occult forces.

Sister Reinalda Kloosterman SP is certified in both reiki and reflexology at the Providence Spirituality Center .

Sister Maryann SDS is a Reiki master and massage therapist.

Franciscan Sister Mary Jo Mattes, Reiki master/teacher provides Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Reiki, Master, and Karuna Reiki Training at the Tabor Reiki Center in Millvale

Sister Ann Mathieu, OSF, is a Reiki Master and a member of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis and Community Life Leader for her Sisters in retirement at St. Francis Convent in Springfield, Illinois.

Sister Anita Louise Lowe, OSB, is trained in Reiki and integrates Quantum Healing into her energy healing sessions.

What happened to you sisters? This isn’t Christian! Time to come clean! Stop deceiving God’s people and tell them who you really serve!

“Reiki has foundational beliefs and practices that are irreconcilable with Catholicism, including not recognizing Jesus as a divine Person and the Savior of all mankind. Reiki involves a belief similar to pantheism, in which a universal life energy—not Jesus—provides life to all living beings and is also said to govern the Reiki healing process. Because Reiki practitioners believe they can harness and use this universal life energy, Reiki is not simply a form of superstition but rather opens oneself up to dangerous involvement in the occult practices of divination and magic (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 2111, 2116-17).”2

Reiki and Tantric Magic: Healing or Hell?
1-2 Reiki


Naturally magic and divination are forbidden by the Bible and the Catechism; magical practices being the work of Satan and all. Come to think of it so is lying. Of course Healing Touch fits both bills. There can be two possibilities.

A. Healing Touch is occult divination.

Derived from Pagan (Eastern) religious beliefs and disguised under the laying-on of hands, the core concept of Healing Touch is the manipulation of "life energy". It could be disguised as Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Balancing, Reiki, Touch Therapy, Bodywork, Deep Massage, Footwork Reflexology, Neuromuscular Therapy, Positional Therapy, Shiatsu Therapy, Stone Therapy, Thai Massage, Acupuncture, or any other "energy therapy" – as long as the "treatment" is based on energy field manipulation – it is one and the same. Practitioners may hold their hands a short distance from the patient or with some hands on method "connect the energy fields" in the body. Sometimes they call on Jesus, but God is not an energy force and God does not get involved in "rebalancing energy fields".

Healing touch is a hoax.

Ten years old Emily Rosa suspected TT was pseudoscience and proved that not one of 21 Therapeutic Touch practitioners could detect an energy field.

She got the "force"! No, this is not Star Wars. This is Sr Sheila, a Medical Mission Sister at the 'Center for Human Integration' and she is practicing what is known as Healing Touch. Healing Touch or TT is based on the belief that health and healing is tied to invisible energy forces.

Some good Catholic sisters go all the way and kneed! But don't let them fool you! This is TT and not massage therapy!

The Truth About Healing Touch

What is Healing Touch?

“It is a newer version of a dangerous and spiritually invasive system of energy manipulation which may be legitimately described as magic. How is it a magical art? Using a distortion of eastern mysticism or occult techniques, New Age healers attempt to manipulate matter through an act of the will. New Age "energy work", as it is called, has many forms of this magic. In the case of HTI, this magical art has now been modified and disguised for Christian ministries, schools and hospitals. Many hybrid forms of "energy channeling" have grown from the earlier versions of such techniques as yoga, the "healing science" of Barbara Brennan and Reiki. Therapeutic Touch and its offshoot, Healing Touch, are just two of these variations. Real healing is never a technique. Real healers never take mini-courses or charge money. Real healers do not use "energy". If you know a hospital, school nurse or member of a parish pastoral team promulgating these techniques, please pass this article on to their bishop. For more information, check this article written by a medical doctor on medical studies disproving the validity of HTI at the following web page": Quackwatch

Is Healing Touch International or Therapeutic Touch At Your Parish?