There is bedlam in the sanctuary. People are falling like flies mind you women fall strategically so the skirts won’t ride up and they are holding onto their purses for dear life. There is a long line of people for much the same and then the strange behaviors start; laughing, shaking, weeping, yelling… What the heck is going on here? Bodies are all over the place and this supposed to be something spiritual like some extraordinary visitation from God? Can you see Jesus doing it tapping them on the head and a couple of hefty apostles catching the fall? Nonsense! These people falling down when prayed over receive nothing from God.

What makes them fall backwards? Hysteria, faking to belong, getting pushed, hypnotic suggestion, or demonic influence? The use of pressure point strikes in martial arts is something to consider... There is a pressure point in the forehead that can produce a knockout if struck properly; the head snaps back, the arms go up and the knees buckle. Interestingly faith healers touch the forehead exactly on the same spot. There are different levels of susceptibility which would explain why some people are Slain in the Spirit every time and some people never do. Older people are more susceptible to pressure point strikes and this would explain why older people are "slain" more often than young people.
The charismatic explanation for this phenomenon is spiritual healing, physical healing and receival of spiritual gifts. Sounds crazy? That is because it is; crazy, orgiastic, voodoo bedlam! So what's the cause? Is it demonic or is there some natural rationale? Take your pick, but one thing is sure. It's not from God!