"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



Dabbling in the occult under the fitness umbrella is much like playing the Ouija board for "fun" and not to contact spirits.


Father Yogi AKA Fr. Thomas Ryan, Paulist priest and certified yoga instructor teaches the 'high theology of the body' to anyone fool enough to participate in one of his yoga classes or read his book or watch his video. Catholic priests like Fr Ryan are a disgrace. Leading people to the practice of pagan religions brings scandal to the priesthood and to the Body of Christ.

There is nothing wrong with physical exercise, but if it’s designed to lead the participant into enlightenment or self-fulfillment, we have ventured beyond the perimeters of Buddhism or Hinduism. When yoga includes meditation, it is ‘to yoke with god’ – this is Hinduism. When yoga exercise brings on an altered state of consciousness – it is Transcendental Meditation.

More here from Fr. Ryan's convoluted beliefs. It ends with "The present is big with the future!" You think?

However this makes more sense: Yoga - Health or Stealth?


Thai Chi has been described as poetry in motion for its slow, graceful, almost dance-like actions. The martial arts based choreography includes circular motions, subtle weight shifting, focused breathing to empty the mind, and soft stretches that engage the body with minimal exertion. As long as you don’t dwell on the occult part, Thai Chi is a wholesome exercise for the old bones – right?


Thai Chi is not just body training. Tai Chi is based on a pantheist philosophy. The inner "chi" is a pantheistic concept. Thai Chi is mind AND body training (and in that order) with ties to the occult; with roots in Taoism, with Hindu or Buddhist rituals; with guided imagery; with focused breathing; with nature-infused visualizations; with harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. All these are aspects of Eastern religions and in direct conflict with Christianity. Catholicism is Monotheistic. Monotheism and pantheism are incompatible with each other.

Where can exercise end and ‘fostering the flow of chi’ begin? Thai Chi experts cannot just focus on physical exercise, because that would not be Thai Chi. At some point all Thai Chi experts dwell into the religious component of Thai Chi. Oh, there might be several sessions without anything out of the ordinary. And then one day you are in touch with your spirit guide. Hold Fast What Is Good: On Borrowing Forms of Meditation from Eastern Religions