"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



“Mark (not his name) was a Christian in a church that he thought was formal and dead. He went to a Pentecostal church, where hands were laid on him, and he was what they called "slain in the spirit". He was lying on the floor in a trance. When he came out of it, he was praising Jesus in a loud voice, and he continued praising Jesus.”

“The name "Jesus" keeps coming into Mark's mind, so we command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that, if there is a demon in him named "Jesus", he come forward and give his name.

Answer, "Jesus."
"What Jesus?"
"Jesus of the devil."
"What is your work, what did Satan commission you to do?"
"To fool him; to steal the glory from God."
"When did you enter him?"
"When he was slain in the spirit."

... "baptism of the Spirit" in the charismatic movement is usually an opportunity for demons to enter.”

Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, "Charismatic Movements" and "Demon Possession", 1978, pgs. 33-34, 50-52

We have seen them stagger and lay around the floor in spiritual drunkenness; soaking or laughing in the spirit. In reality "Soaking in the Spirit" is a communion with occult spirits. The experience ranges from the pleasant to the ecstatic. Satan comes as an angel of light. People believing they have opened up their hearts to God’s love, but instead they get a dose of defiling from Satan.

Those who made the conference circuit have seen it first hand. They listened to the endless parade of keynote speakers and they heard the testimonies. Could the Holy Spirit be felt as an electrical current, heat, or tingling? “Tell me Muriel why is that man shaking so violently? I have a bad feeling about this…” said my elderly companion. “Why is there always someone shaking like that?” Then a group of people surrounded the shaking man, and after what seemed like he had a big doze of whatever they gave to him, the shaking ceased. The thought occurred to me, here comes Satan to subdue the less than willing. But I quickly put it out of my head. We were at the Western Regional Charismatic Conference in New Westminster; the Archbishop Adam Exner OMI gave the opening address on the Friday night.

"Sometimes the demons [work miracles] in order to lift into pride the man who believes himself to possess the miraculous gift, and so prepare him for a more miraculous fall. They pretend that they are being burnt up and driven out from the bodies where they were dwelling through the holiness of people whom truly they know to be unholy... In the Gospel we read: There shall arise false Christs and false prophets" (St. John Cassian, Divine Gifts)

God dwells in the broken and contrite heart. But these people are not contrite. They want experience and they want power. It is shocking to see it for the first time, but no matter how uncomfortable you feel, you tell yourself that priests and nuns are involved, so it should be OK. They tell you to become little children and to be fools for Christ so you push down your discomfort and stay. Then you start to crave what others are experiencing and then one day you are hit with some power and you are knocked off your feet. And you are hooked.