Inner healing with guided visualization has been part of the Life in the Spirit Seminars for decades, turning Catholics from God to self. The therapy is clearly rooted in the occult.
The basis of it is that we have hurts in childhood, some of which are buried in our subconscious and these still hinder us from experiencing life to the full. Thus, the blame for one's problems can be placed on others. In order to "heal" these memories an occult visualization technique is used: Bringing Jesus into the past as a spirit guide and then making Him sanctify it and forgive the person who caused the hurt. This is sorcery, a type of divination that has been used by shamans and witchdoctors for thousands of years. The Bible forbids it explicitly.
“Imagine a door. A person will come through that door. You are expecting one person, but you will be surprised, in all probability someone else will enter.” I expected somebody all right but then my mother came in. My instant reaction was “No, no, no this isn’t right!” And that is when the whole event fell apart from me. From then on I became a mere spectator, simply listening to what went on around me. Maybe everyone sees their mother enter, I don’t know. But the thought that my mother could have hurt me totally repelled me. Or could this have been my protection from participating in the exercise? I don’t know. “The door opens and Jesus enters - the facilitator continued - Jesus is in rags, bleeding and is wearing the crown of thorns. He stands beside the person who hurt you. Forgive the suffering Jesus for your hurt. – That would be easy I thought - Now you and Jesus turn to the person who caused you the hurt. Jesus forgives that person. Jesus takes your hand and gives you His love. Now forgive that person with the love you received from Jesus.” How nice I thought at the time, it totally makes sense, too bad it was my mom who came through that door, because surely I would not need help to forgive my mom, provided of course that I had something to forgive. [At the Catholic Life in the Sprit Seminar in Kamloops]
Looking back, this was a blasphemous manipulation of the Son of God. Jesus should never be called-up and forced to perform at our command, any "Jesus" that actually visualized would have to be a demon spirit and not God. Herein lies the danger of visualization – the subject is drawn into experiments with things that God has repeatedly condemned in both the Old and the New Testaments. God is omnipotent. He doesn’t need our creative visualization to give His forgiveness and healing.
“The inner healing we experience and the healing of memories that we may need come from the Sacraments of the Church, from forgiving the people who have hurt us, from letting go and letting God deal with those people who hurt us, from an inner conversion to Christ, though sacrifice of our ego and our selves to the Lordship of Christ, and through living out the Christ-life.” Bro. Ignatius Mary
More from Bro. Ignatius Mary about interior healing here.