"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



The following individuals have something in common with their fellow Catholic speakers at Jesus 2000. One wonders what that might be... since these people are obviously ALL NUTS!

John Arnott Pastor of the Toronto Airport Fellowship

Toronto Blessing

Left Leg Anointing
John Arnott: "You would think you walked into a mad house or something. Well we have had one year to acclimatize. If we had started with this at this level we would not have had the faith to go on. I know as a pastor, I would have shut it down. ... I was a risk taker, but this is over the edge folks. Fill them up Lord..." John Arnott’s ministry director, Mary Audrey, has a "Left Leg Anointing": When she kicks up her left leg Can-Can style and says, "More Jesus", people are slain in the Spirit in the direction of her kick. People are lying on the floor twitching and rocking on their backs.

2 Female Prophets
Two women give prophecies with violently wagging heads. The woman who just had a baby gives a prophecy that contradicts the Bible. She says "He wishes that all His people were prophets". But than contradicts: "All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are they? All are not workers of miracles, are they? All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they? But earnestly desire the greater gifts." Then another woman wags her head, grunts, groans and screeches "The Lord would say, 'He is calling Gideon's army..."

A woman comes up and John Arnott orders God to "Fill her, fill her, fill her". She falls to the floor and bangs her hard, Arnott says, "Ohhhh". The woman rocks back and forth like a beetle on its back. John Arnott: "How many have never been to a church like this in their lives raise your hands."

More from John Arnott:

"Another thing that hinders (receiving the Holy Spirit or anointing) is people pray all the time." (February 14, 1995 Holy Trinity, Brompton, England)
"Yes, Lord, we're going to go for it, we're gonna try to do our part to bring the kingdom of God here...and wouldn't it be wonderful if the Lord would start to move in power and restore the church to its proper place and make us the head and not the tail?" (TACF, 10/19/94)
John Arnott gave approval to “message from Jesus” for woman to leave her husband. (A Memoir Of "The Vineyard" Cheryl Thomson, 1994)
"Don't even entertain the thought that (you) might get a counterfeit." (TACF, 12/16/94, audiotape)
"Jesus said Go pray for Sarah, your friend, I'm going to heal her." "that girl, totally incapacitated, paralyzed and blind, after two and a half hours of soaking prayer, got up seeing." ("Valuing the Anointing", TACF, 10/15/94, audiotape) Sarah Lilliman is still legally blind.
"If you're going to be concerned about deception, then please be concerned about the greatest deception that there is, and the greatest deception of all, in my opinion, is not to fall for teachings of a false prophet ... in my opinion the greatest deception of all is to have a move of God come through and you not recognize it." ("Catch The Fire," Midland and Wales, UK, 2/2/96, audiotape)
"Don't react by even who's praying, I get so tired of people saying, 'Be careful who's praying for you now, somebody might lay hands on you that's not really free, and you might get something you didn't bargain for'. Listen, you know what Jesus did? He'd walk right up to a leper and lay hands on him, He wasn't afraid of getting leprosy! Don't worry about who's praying for you, my goodness, there's not a perfect person praying for people on the face of the earth!" (Toronto Leaders Speak for Themselves, Bob Hunter, 1997)

Pat Robertson

Robertson giving the Masonic Sign of Fellow Craft. This was on the cover of Times Magazine.

“It is interesting, that termites don't build things, and the great builders of our nation almost to a man have been Christians, because Christians have the desire to build something. He is motivated by love of man and God, so he builds. The people who have come into (our) institutions (today) are primarily termites. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have.... The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation.” (Pat Robertson, New York Magazine, August 18, 1986)
Re: apartheid in South Africa; “I think 'one man, one vote,' just unrestricted democracy, would not be wise. There needs to be some kind of protection for the minority which the white people represent now, a minority, and they need and have a right to demand a protection of their rights.” (Pat Robertson, “The 700 Club,” 3/18/92)
“NOW is saying that in order to be a woman, you've got to be a lesbian.” (“The 700 Club,” 12/3/97)
“Many of those people involved with Adolph Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals--the two things seem to go together.” (“The 700 Club,” 1/21/93)
Smart guy, eh?

Jack Hayford

Hayford taught the "little gods" heresy ("Marching Against Mammon” 1979)
Re: circumcision in the Old Testament:
“God wants to touch your very identity as a man; He wants to reach out and touch your secret and private parts. This enables Him to better perform surgery on the heart; God wants to touch man's creative parts. This represents the idea that since God has touched our creative parts, we as God's people need to be creative in our witnessing to others.”
“As the anointing caught in the folds of His garments, it began to splash out and fall over the church.” so Jesus said, “I am beginning to rise now in preparation for my second coming. Those who will rise with me will share in this double portion of anointing.” (Charisma magazine 10/91)
“When will YOU take back everything Satan has stolen from you by bluff, bluster, lying and deceit?”
“Say it with me Satan, I bind YOUR EVIL WORKS in Jesus’ name.”
“Say it with me, I claim my healing, in Jesus’ name; I take back what is mine, in Jesus’ name!'”
“If and when we finally lay down these petty doctrinal and traditional differences and JOIN TOGETHER as an awesome UNITED body and force, all hell will finally retreat into the abyss, and, together, we will bring back the king! ... When will we realize that the enforcement of Christ's Victory is UP TO US? “
“Some of you have, indeed, grasped this truth and victory -- Glory! Some of you have repossessed your rightful ownership and possessions. ... Praise the Lord, David’s God is teaching our hands to war too! Soon our enemy will be destroyed! Soon our enemy will have to yield even his remaining strongholds. Together, we are destroying the works of the Devil' -- just as Jesus commanded us to do.”
Hayford wrote 400 popular charismatic "gospel" songs including "Majesty" which promotes “kingdom now”.
Hayford promotes "dance in the Lord," Lord spoke to him directly saying, "May I have this dance?" (Orlando '95 North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization)
By the way…
At ORLANDO '95: "Charismatics abandoned their theological differences...at least for four days", and: "Today, millions of Catholics, including Pope John Paul II's personal preacher...have joined ranks with charismatics." Catholic-Protestant leaders say they must "bridge denominational barriers to finish the task of world evangelization." One leader said: "Our unity is in the fact that Jesus is Lord...that we are baptized in the Spirit." A Catholic priest added: "This is the greatest ecumenical movement in the Christian church." (10/95 Charisma)

John Kilpatrick

John Kilpatrick claims Allison Ward’s shaking is from the Holy Spirit.

"You need to understand friends, your words are like containers. When they come up out of the innermost part of your belly, out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. As these things come out of your heart, they are spirits, by the time the come out of your mouth, that spirit is encapsulated in some little package and when you begin to speak this stuff out whether it is good or evil, it comes out in the way of little containers in your home and it goes out in your home and it begins to burst. As they burst life is either released or death is released. Blessings are released or cursings are released." (Glory on Your House, John Kilpatrick)
"......Well, if what God hears determines to a large degree what God does, I think we need to be careful. I want to say that again. What God hears determines, to a large degree, what God does. Grumbling and murmuring causes Satanic activity to stir against us....Did you know, when you just let your mouth fly off at the handle and you just let your lips say anything they want to say, and you let your tongue be cut loose and then start speaking out all kind of darkness and all kind of fear and all kind of unbelief, I want you to know you're ordering it. You're ordering that and it will come to you. It will come to you." (God's Ears, April 6, 1997)
"The Lord spoke this to me right after He gave me this concept about the banners for praying. He said to me - because I'd gotten real critical, like Steve was talking about a while ago. I got real critical, and I said, "Lord," - you know, I'd watched TBN, things like that, and I could feel my lips snarling and I just, you know, I just was critical. I'd see certain people on TV and I wanted to flip to something secular to get away from that religious, because it just turned me off. I felt like it was inferior quality. I felt like a lot of it was put on and hype. I felt like a lot of it was counterfeit. One day I was riding along in my car going to the nursing home to see my mother as she was dying, and the Lord spoke to me just as clear as a bell, and I don't ever say either Chaplain that God speaks to me either, because I've never been one to say that much. But He spoke to my heart so strong it rattled me and I had to pull off to the side of the road and put my car in park and repent. But the Lord spoke to my heart and He said, "You know," He said, "If you don't humble yourself like a little boy and repent of your critical spirit, I'll have to pass you by." And I pulled off to the side of the road, I was so startled, and I said, "Lord, please forgive me! And you know what? I turned on TBN not long after that, and some of the very people that turned me off, all of a sudden I looked at them with different eyes, because I had repented, and I looked at them with different eyes and they ministered to me and I broke and wept in my living room before the Lord. God touched my heart. And I had to humble myself down like a little boy and learn again to receive from the Lord. I had to learn to receive from people again." (John Kilpatrick, Brownsville Assembly of God videotape, May 30, 1997)

Thomas Trask

• Advocates the Latter Day Rain Heresy.
• The restoration of the office of the Apostle and Prophet to head the Church.
• Restoration of all the supernatural gifts with emphasis on prophets and prophecy. Prophecy through the mouth of the prophet or prophetess.
• Women with equal roles of authority in the Church.
• Casting out demons from Christians.
• Rebuilding the physical Tabernacle of David, i.e. continual prophetic praise before God.
• The dominion of the world by The Church.
• The defeat of physical death by ascended believers called Manifest Sons of God.
• Unity of the Body, i.e. all churches submitting the Apostolic and Prophetic authority.

Cindy Jacobs

"We tear down the imaginations of man that oppose the laws of God, that would distort the laws of creation, and we say, "No," to it in Jesus' name. We take authority over every spirit that has been assigned to bring it to pass. And we forbid it and stop it now, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah." (Cindy Jacobs, May 11, 7 pm, 2002, National School Of The Prophets-Mobilizing The Prophetic Office )
--Only Jesus has the authority to bind Satan.
"Unborn, I'm going to bring the anointing." And God says, "It's going to be anointing to legislate in the heavens, in Austin, Texas. And an anointing that will be a decisive hope. Against, it will turn the Roe vs. Wade decision. God says, "I'm going to anoint Austin." (Cindy Jacobs, National School Of The Prophets-Mobilizing The Prophetic Office, May 11, 7 pm, 2002)
--Hasn't happened and unlikely to happen.
"And the most liberal state is gonna become the most conservative state," says the Lord your God. Now let the fire come. Let the fire come. California, wave your hands at me. Where are you? The fire of God is falling on you right now. Ohh. Hallelujah. It's a holy mess. It's a glorious disarray. When God is comes he shakes everything up. Let the fire come. Oh, yeah, yeah. More fire. Let the fire burn. Let the fire fall. Come on. Hallelujah. Let the fire fall. Ohh, let the fire fall. Ohh, hallelujah, Lord. Hallelujah." (Cindy Jacobs, National School Of The Prophets-Mobilizing The Prophetic Office, May 11, 7 pm, 2002)
--Hasn’t happened and unlikely to happen.
"The divorce rate for Christians would be cut in half within one year". (Cindy Jacobs, 1996, "Women Of The Word" conference, California)
--Divorce rate continues to rise.

Gary Moore

Good old Gary promotes Sophianism [feminization of God] and the Confessing Movement. And those belong to an entirely different cattle of fish folks!