"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



"What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

There is nothing new under the Sun, not when it comes to old idolatry's resurging. From cults to politics there is nothing really new. Man has been trying to reinvent his relationship with God, never quite figuring it out and making a mess of things. In all these manly efforts man will always fall short in figuring out the God business.

The Israelites danced around the golden calf c. 13th-12th centuries B.C.E. The Shakers were doing a whole lot of shaking back in the 1700’s. Then the Methodists were at it in the early 1800's. The Pentecostals started their hoot and holler in the 1900's. Finally the Catholics joined in the madness in the 1960's.

How could any of this become Catholic? When did holy laughter, shouting, drunkenness in the spirit, slain in the spirit, dancing in the spirit, jerking and spasms become part of Catholic worship?

Watch the following videos: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal started in places much like THESE. The Church had the greatest treasure on Earth; the Eucharist, and yet some of our leaders; clergy and nuns went to places like these for that initial “anointing” which in turn they brought into the Church... and with it an alien theology and practice. Oh sure they toned it down... even catholicized some of it, but make no mistake where the Catholic Charismatic Renewal came from; from heretic cults such as these!