"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



It has been said that the Charismatic Movement is the New Pentecost. But then where are the conversions? Where is the repentance? Where are the healings? Where is the growth in numbers? Where is this new Pentecost?

The power at Pentecost brought conversion and repentance. Charismatics seek the power, but not so much conversion or repentance. “Walking in the spirit” brings them feelings and emotional experiences. But since feelings and emotional experiences are not power, they fail to bring conversion and repentance.

There is no new Pentecost, only a delusion. There are no conversions to Christ in substantial numbers. Christianity is receding rather than advancing. There are as many leaving the Charismatic Movement as entering it. The problem is… most of those who leave the movement fail to take the time to clean up; they leave contaminated with false doctrines and worse.

Where is the repentance? The movement has dulled people’s senses to sin. I never forget what one woman told me at a Life in the Spirit Seminar. She said she had no sins. What was the point of confession – she lamented - for good people like her. Why did she need God’s mercy, she should be able to make it to heaven living a sinless life. She was no dummy though; she was a fifth grade teacher at a Catholic School. Evidently this is the result of endlessly seeking power and spiritual gifts in the Charismatic Movement. Go down on a Saturday afternoon and check out who goes to regular confession. Mostly those who managed to stay clear of the movement. Charismatics will be at confession only when it is obligatory: before Easter and Christmas and during a Life in the Spirit Seminar. The reason for that folks is simple: they are not sinners like the rest of us. For all the hoopla there is very little repenting in charismatic circles. This should be a good sign that something stinks… but not in Denmark.

Where are the healings and the miracles we keep hearing about? Just think! Every large charismatic gathering places great emphasis on healing. So then how come people are not getting healed? We hear a lot of bragging about healing, but in over ten years in the movement I have not met a single individual healed. If there would be healings at charismatic gatherings the word would spread; people would break down the doors to get healed. Have we seen the type of healings as in Acts? Where? Charismatics are satisfied with the emotional charge of healing services whether the needs are met or not.

Where is the new Pentecost? Where are the conversions? Where is the repentance? Where are the healings? Where is the growth in numbers? The Catholic Charismatic Movement turned out to be a false Pentecost.