"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the LORD. Therefore, thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, against the shepherds who shepherd my people: You have scattered my sheep and driven them away. You have not cared for them, but I will take care to punish your evil deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:1-2)

Time and again John Paul II stressed the vital importance of sound theology for the leadership. But the leaders (priests and bishops) failed to guard the faith. Like a pack of salivating dogs when a juicy steak is thrown at them, they devoured the steak while the intruder ransacked the Church. The steak proved addictive though and one by one the watchdogs were molded into the renewal and molded by it. Instead of extolling sound theology or even reason, emotional experience became their operating word. The gatekeepers were seduced by the sirens of Charismatism and the relatively few that remained untainted was forced into surrender. History seems to repeat itself. During the peak of the Arian Heresy 80% of the Bishops believed in Arianism. Time will tell the true tale.

It is unusual for a priest to remain unscathed by the Charismatic Renewal. It is not easy to withstand the pressure from brother priests, superiors and the lay leadership. And once in it, it is next to impossible for a priest to exit. Lay people can withdraw from the various ministries citing personal reasons. A priest is not able to do that. How could he stay away from his charismatic parishioners when they are swarming all over the place? They will not leave him alone; clergy involvement is essential to legitimize the Charismatic Renewal in the local church.

Preacher to the Papal Household, Father Raniero Cantalamessa with false prophet and mesmerist Benny Hinn! The infamous, flamboyant Benny Hinn who claimed that God revealed to him that there are nine in the Trinity…

One thing is certain Benny Hinn is not getting his sins written into the sand here. Not by Fr Cantalamessa. The same Fr. Cantalamessa who in his 2002 Good Friday Liturgy at the Vatican said that other religions "are not merely tolerated by God …. but positively willed by Him as an expression of the inexhaustible richness of His grace and His will for everyone to be saved." (April 2, 2002 Catholic News Service) This meeting is no accident. This is a meeting of the minds. And the common bond between these two people is CHARISMATA!

By now someone should have introduced Fr Cantalamessa to Ministry Watch (an online database with profiles on more than 400 of the largest church and parachurch ministries in the United States) or to the report the CBC did on Hinn. The CBC's "Fifth Estate" did an excellent expose on Benny Hinn's operation titled Do You Believe In Miracles? Watch the entire documentary online (runs appox 41:30)

Justin Peters is a staff evangelist at the First Baptist Church in Vicksburg. His Master’s thesis was an examination of the life and ministry of Benny Hinn. READ part of Justin’s thesis (.pdf) and his interview with the fifth estate (.pdf)

Benny Hinn Exposed by nbc Dateline

Please note: Truth being a “violation”; Benny Hinn videos tend to disappear from YouTube. No great loss, there are always others. All you have to do is type “Benny Hinn” into the YouTube search box, and a wide array of expose material will come up.

This YouTube video explains Hinn’s methods