"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).


JESUS 2000

twas the year 2000...

"The year 2000 is here! Come celebrate the 2000th anniversary of our Savior Jesus Christ with thousands of Christians from the streams of Charismatic Renewal; Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals and non-Denominationals."

Franciscan University was coordinating the event, and the speakers were:

John Arnott: Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (Toronto Blessing)
Bishop Barbara Amos: Pastor Faith Deliverance Center Co-Chair, PCCNA (Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches of North America)
Fr. Tom Forrest, CSSR, International Director of Evangelization 2000 (works under direction of the Vatican)
Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR, Youth Evangelist,
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
Pat Robertson, Founder, the Christian Broadcasting Network and Regent University
Jack Hayford, The Church on the Way, the Foursquare Church of Van Nuys, CA
Bishop Sam Jacobs, Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria, LA
John Kilpatrick, Brownsville Assemblies of God, Pensacola, FL
Fr. Michael Scanlan, President, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Thomas Trask, General Superintendent of The Assemblies of God
Gary Moore, Aldersgate United Methodist Renewal Conference Chairman
Ralph Martin, Renewal Ministries (ECT endorser)
Bishop James Leggett, General Superintendent Int'l Pentecostal Holiness Church
Stephen Hill, Together in the Harvest Ministries (Brownsville Assemblies of God, Pensacola, FL)
Cindy Jacobs, Professional Prophet
Fr. Francis Martin, Professor of Biblical Studies, John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, Washington, DC (ECT endorser)

And now you may ask yourself; what do Fr. Tom Forrest, the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Bishop Sam Jacobs, Fr. Michael Scanlan, Ralph Martin, and Fr. Francis Martin have in common with the rest of the speakers of Jesus 2000? See for yourself!

Jesus 2000

On the other hand there are some rather interesting details about the Catholic contributors as well:

Fr. Tom Forrest

The freaky little guy flexing his muscles is Fr. Tom Forrest. Everyone should be all right now.

Ralph Martin

• was on the board of Steubenville University,
• prophesied the Second Coming of Christ in his lifetime at the Mass in Rome at St. Peter's Basilica,
• wrote 2 heretical books: "Is Jesus Coming Soon?" and "The Catholic Church at the End of an Age"
• connected to Medjugorje
• threatened to sue Unity Publishing for telling the truth about Medjugorje,
• promotes Father Gobbi who prophesied that the real person of the Antichrist would appear by the year 1998, and Christ would come on this earth in the year 2000 to establish his Kingdom on Earth and walk among us.
• top authority in "Unio Crucis". (members income came from "The Word Among Us" generating 3-5 million/year.)

Father Michael Scanlan

• president of Steubenville University,
• supported Protestant "The Sword of the Spirit",
• promotes Medjugorje, more about Fr. Scanlan here.

Bishop Sam Jacobs

• Bishop Jacobs promotes that the gift of tongues can be learned.
On June 27, 1997 at the 30th Anniversary celebration in Pittsburgh "The "Sunday Sermon" featured Bishop Jacobs prancing up and down the stage in revivalist style, spewing a generous mouthful of "Amens" and encouraging audience participation. During this address, taking his cue from Our Lord's "Who do you say that I am?" to Simon Peter, Bishop Jacobs screamed at the audience:
Screaming crowd "JESUS!"
Bishop Jacobs: "WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?"
Crowd: "JESUS!"
Bishop Jacobs: "WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?"
Crowd: "JESUS!" Source

These people could have been cut from the same cloth. The only difference is the Catholics are less willing to point to the nuts among them.