"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



Take me higher
Oh take me deeper
Take me closer
Take me higher
Take me higher
Take take me higher
Take take me deeper
Take me closer
Take take me higher”
Blind Boys of Alabama move over
I am charismatic...
I have no brain

A fair percentage of charismatics are power junkies. They look for a spiritual high from charismatic masses, prayer meetings and conferences. They want more and more thrills and chills at these endless worship venues. Eventually this can become a type of self-serving religiosity. When real people get the Holy Spirit they go out and do good works. But charismatics just keep going back for more fun and more power to entertain themselves.

Charismatics are always on the lookout for the latest of trends hoping to get to a “higher level with God”. Once accustomed to the current thrills the search is on for a “deeper anointing”. The continual cycle of Life in the Spirit Seminars and annual conferences fill the need to get zapped again. Occasionally there are new people to sign on, but the prayer group can be quite content repeating the same old without infusion of new blood.

"Lookit me! I'm HOLY! Lookit how holy I am! Mom, are you watching? MOM! MOM! MOOOM! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!"