"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



We are off to see the wizard… This is an all too common sight at charismatic conferences: people weeping like no tomorrow. It just comes on suddenly; people are swept into uncontrollable sobbing.

Emotionalism hinders reason. Reason is our God given tool to distinguish between good and evil. Without a balance of reason, emotion and will, worship becomes an exercise in self- indulgence. It is no benefit to the Church to have people addicted to spiritual self-indulgence. But that is what happens when people immerse themselves in charismatic subjectivity. People stay there; they remain infantile in the faith, because addiction to emotionalism hinders spiritual maturity.

Trite emotionalism is the cornerstone of American revivalism and western pop culture. Its friendliness, simplicity, familiarity and celebrityism brings communal worship down to our level. Bring to mind the Israelites who preferred the golden calf.

You do not come to the truth of God by having a feeling.
You do not come to the truth of God by having an emotion.