"The real challenge will be getting the books to the unchurched alien, since there won't be churches on these planets to do a '40 Days of Purpose' campaign," said Kirkstra. "But that is a small hiccup. Really, there's no reason for us not to reach for the stars." Jana Riess
Well one has to laugh, because the alternative is to cry.
Rick Warren's bestseller The Purpose-Driven Life sold 25 million copies so far and there is no end in sight. There is Purpose Driven Church, Purpose Driven Youth, Purpose Driven Pets and Purpose Driven Marketing to Distant Planets…

Then Fr. Joseph M. Champlin wrote a book titled “A Catholic Perspective on the Purpose Driven Life”.
This is how one publishing company is marketing the stuff: “…Provides opportunities for guided reflection, sharing and prayer that reinforce many of Pastor Rick Warren's points with additional commentary on areas where Catholic teaching varies. Using this companion guide, which follows Warren's 40-dat process, either individually or in a group, will assist Roman Catholics in transforming their lives and appreciating the richness and beauty of their Faith tradition.”

What is so important in Warren’s message that a Catholic priest has to write an instruction manual on how to navigate through truth, half truths and downright lies? With the same token why not write a book on how to apply Buddhism, Protestantism and New Age to our faith? Ops, I forgot – it’s been done.
I wonder how many people will use Fr Champlin’s book for reference. Fr Champlin’s book is traitorous really; all he did was point Catholics toward Warren’s book.
Most people wouldn’t mix poison with their food. That would not be good for the body. Is the soul less deserving?

"Today, I'll be preaching on the Purpose-driven Potluck."
Modern Christianity is obsessed with money and riches, positive thinking and motivational speaking, emotionalism and religious entertainment. Catholic charismatics have been hugely influenced by the business machine that fuels these trends.