"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



"Your prophets had for you false and specious visions; They did not lay bare your guilt, to avert your fate; They beheld for you in vision false and misleading portents." (Lam 2:14)

"I did not send these prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. Had they stood in my council, and did they but proclaim to my people my words, They would have brought them back from evil ways and from their wicked deeds. "(Jer 23:21-22)

The grunting, moaning, deep breathing, shaking and visibly struggling prophets, many of whom have to be held by a “friend” are either fakes or diabolically possessed.

Charismatics’ intense interest in prophets mimics popular culture’s current obsession with the paranormal. The renewal regards its mediums as mouthpieces of the Holy Spirit, yet the vast majority of prophecies come from the human subconscious rather than from God. The Holy Spirit will not be verbose or childish, the Holy Spirit will not stroke the human ego, the Holy Spirit will not provide religious entertainment, and the Holy Spirit will not perform on cue. The Holy Spirit, who is the author of the Canticle of Mary, the Canticle of Zechariah and who spoke through the Old Testament prophets will not give messages such as these:

"Because I love you, I want to show you what I am doing in the world today. I want to prepare you for what is to come. Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation…"

"We had such a banquet this weekend and we are overwhelmed, how can we absorb all of this, but the Lord said to tell you that His Spirit will bring it forth in you when it is necessary."

"If My people seek Me then I will hear them. And with broken hearts they will ascend to me. I've long awaited their coming and have prepared all good things for them. Let them not desert Me on their way, and I will make them ride on the heights of My glory."

"Even as I have given your hands to serve you, I have given them to you to lift in holy praise. I have given you feet to carry you to and fro. I have given them to you to be shod with the purpose of the gospel. Even as I have given you eyes to see in flesh, I have given you eyes to see my face. And even as I have given you a heart to love others, I have given you a heart to serve Me."

"Look I am fighting. I have the spear in my hand. You are that spear and I am wielding it. Do not fear for I have you in my hand. I wield you against the enemy. It is I that fight for you."

"My people, you are more precious to me than gold and silver. I am the refiner. I hold you in the fire of purification. Listen, my children, the fire will intensify but my eye is upon you and you will not perish. I am preparing a holy people, a people set apart. Be not afraid or discouraged, but be encouraged and know that I am always with you for I am your refiner."

"What is in a name? Was it an idle thought that you are called The Sword of the Spirit? What is in a name? Did I call you the Sword of the Spirit for no purpose? I call you the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God going forth for the sake of my Gospel, that it might be spoken to a new generation, a generation so targeted by satan. Live out what I have called you to be."