They use POSITIVE CONFESSION for the failures. They have to use something, because people are not getting healed and yet there is no charismatic conference without a healing service. You are told that “God doesn’t want ANYBODY to be sick, if you have a bit of faith, God will heal you.” Or “If you don’t get healed, it is because you didn’t claim it! “So claim it, claim it, claim it NOW before the Devil steals your healing!” insisted Fr Denis Phaneuf.
What planet did these Catholic priests come from? Where did they get the idea for Positive Confession? What they preach is unscriptural and un-catholic! I will never forget the poor bloke from the prayer group. He was up on the balcony when Fr Phaneuf was working his healing magic from the stage. The guy jumped up, ripped out his hearing aids and began to shout “I can hear! I can hear!” Everyone went “Praise God!” But the Devil still robbed him of his healing, because two weeks later I saw him with his hearing aid.

‘Ask and you shall receive’ – ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name’ - 'If you had faith the size of a mustard seed’ – ‘whatsoever ye shall ask in my name’ - have all been taken out of context – all been compromised by charismatics - degraded by charismatic sensuality and greed.
God is not a genie to grant our every wish.
We cannot wield God’s will to our will.
God will not grant every petition.
God will only grant those petitions conformed to His will.
God grants a petition in his own time.
We cannot use God’s Word to bend or to alter reality.
Charismatic “healings” are hypnotic manipulations of the nervous system. The object is manipulated into a type of mental hysteria; the healer, the music, the crowd, and the expectation all play a role in it. The object reacts with his lower ganglionic nerves and a feeling a shock or heat surges up through his body culminating with a release of all that built up tension. The electric charge or the heat of course does not come from the 'healer’s hands; both elation and release are generated by the recipient’s overcharged plexus centers found along the spinal column.
Sometimes a pointed finger or a command can prompt similar reaction in the object’s overloaded nervous system. Scores of people claim to be healed this way, but what they experience is nothing more than emotional tension and its subsequent release. Of course there are always people faking for attention or to help the cause. Ever wonder how these people feel six months later? A good guess would be not much different from before the 'healer' waved his hands over them.
Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work
by Barry L. Beyerstein, Ph.D.
1. The disease may have run its natural course.
2. Many diseases are cyclical.
3. The placebo effect may be responsible.
4. People who hedge their bets credit the wrong thing.
5. The original diagnosis or prognosis may have been incorrect.
6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with cure.
7. Psychological needs can distort what people perceive and do. Source