"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



Personal testimony is important to charismatics; no prayer meeting or conference runs without it. But relating how the Lord is working in one’s life, all too often becomes a brag session. No matter how many “thank you Jesus” and “God is good” is blended into a testimony, the focus remains on the speaker. People will never ‘share’ how they are failing God at the moment, only past failures qualify and that is because personal testimony is a success story.

Personal testimony feeds pride; a humble testimony is oxymora. Ideally a testimony should magnify Jesus, but how can it? To show off Jesus, a person would have to talk about Jesus and not about himself!

Personal testimony also perpetuates heresies. Every Tom, Dick or Harriett can give a testimony at a prayer meeting. Do they have to have a firm grasp on their faith? No… people will clap anyway. We hear about the paint being the wrong color, but then it turned out to be the best thing - praise the Lord - and Fiffi found his way home - praise Jesus - and they helped some homeless person - and God is so good! No matter how mundane, how outrageous or how inappropriate a testimony is, it will go unchallenged, because charismatics are positivists and because logic and discernment are not charismatic strong suits.

In any case, Kevin is going to testify to us tonight:

"Hello, My name is Kevin, I have been working for Dubious Ministries since March this year.

I first felt the call of God on my life when I was 5 years old. Jesus came to me in a dream and I saw flashing swords and 7 headed beasts with light shining from their eyes. After many weeks of nightmares, screaming, and sleepless nights my parents sent me to a home for disturbed children. Here I had my calling confirmed when one of the nurses said that I was a "special Child", Or was It a "special case"? Anyway, I knew from this day I would live a Holy life, a life pleasing to the mighty one, and that there are certain things you shouldn't eat too close to bedtime.

I spent most of my teen years doing the usual things, bunking from school, getting involved in serious crime, and drinking.

But when I was 19 I was given a small booklet entitled "Boy, do you need help", I then realized that my life was stained by sin and worthless in every way. My jumper was stained by curry and fairly worthless as well. So, after reading this my heart leapt, and I went to the launderette.

Whilst working in the postal room at British Telecom I felt a strong call on my life. My main job was steaming off unfranked stamps from the mail and I felt that instead I should be steaming off souls from their sinful lives, whatever that means. It was around this time I received a letter from Dubious Ministries pleading for funds in the form of money. The moment I saw the work of Dubious I knew this is where I needed to be, so I sold everything I owned and my girlfriend's car and moved into a two man tent pitched near the Dubious portacabin. I have since lost touch with my girlfriend.

Brother Tony listened to my ideas, laughed a little, had a coughing fit, found out I was not wanting to be paid, and then told me he was just what he was looking for.

I have felt great blessing during the last few months; If I look back - and think really hard - I can really see the anointing on the ministry here!

Who knows what the future holds? But, as you pray for me as I pray for people to support us in Prayer, I will continue to be led wherever the leading leads me. By the way, if you have any food then I would appreciate it - it's the Green Eurohike tent on the lawn of the church. Thank you. ;-)