"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



New Age has been seeping into the Catholic Church for several decades now. The Body of Christ has been subjected to a vast amount of non Christian concepts and traditions. The claim that these foreign elements didn’t alter the faith is quite simply wishful thinking. There is a thought that the Church can and has absorbed many non-Christian teaching without changing itself. This is nonsense! Rome might be slow on change, but the home church has been contaminated throughout. Psychic fares are filled with Catholics, Catholic centers are selling occult retreats and Catholic bookstores are inundated with occult literature. Satan’s biggest lie is that he doesn’t exist; so it’s a form of exercise or harmless relaxation or guided imagery. There is no real harm reading the daily horoscope or doing a bit of yoga, walking the labyrinth or ‘heal’ through visualization. Then there is the ‘keep the good and leave the bad’ crowd, promoting the mixing of truth and error. This is un-biblical; human reasoning; it goes back all the way to Adam, Eve and the Serpent. If there is ‘some good’ in something the rest has to be, at least in part, bad. If you desire worm infested fruit, or flavor your meal with dung, then go ahead and be a New Age practicing Catholic.

The proposal that charismatics are not responsible for the infiltration of New Age precepts into the Church is an unqualified opinion at best. Show me one traditional Catholic who is captured by New Age or a charismatic who is faithful to two thousand years of Catholic teaching and I will revise this opinion. I am certain there are no such persons. In truth the Charismatic Renewal not only embraces New Age ideas, but it bares close resemblance to it.

• Charismatic theology contains non-Catholic beliefs.

• The Charismatic Renewal rests on a cross denominational rite called ‘baptism in the spirit’.

• Charismatics are indiscriminate ecumenists.

• Charismatics employ pagan meditative techniques.

• Charismatism is experience based.

• The so called living tradition of the Charismatic Renewal fully endorses what the Church condemned for two thousand years.

• Charismatic theology all but replaced the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church.

Catholics in name only