"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).



















JESUS 2000



Charismatism burst upon the Catholic Church in the seventies riding on the latest wave of the Protestant Pentecostal Movement. And because there were Catholics, both clergy and laypeople who for some inexplicable reason wanted what the Protestants seemed to have, bit by bit they brought charismania into the Church. Forty years passed and we no longer recognize ourselves, because for the most part we stopped being Catholic.

The Catechism explains charismata in several paragraphs; always emphasizing they are for the Church and not for the individual who has them. Furthermore in Paragraph 2003 the Catechism states that charisms like miracles and tongues are "extraordinary". Then along comes the Charismatic Movement and we are told that no; tongues are actually normative components of Christianity - and perverse charismatic doctrines begin to spread in blatant disregard of the Catechism.

The Charismatic Movement doesn't exist officially, because much like the Medjugorje phenomenon, it has not been recognized by the Holy See. And no matter how laud or numerous its proponents get, nothing can change this, the Catholic Church cannot pronounce the Charismatic Movement authentic and in subsequent entries I will show you the reasons why.

The source of all Catholic teaching is Tradition and the Bible. The Dogmas, the Catechism, the Fathers' writings, the Canon Laws, and the Papal Encyclicals illuminate both Tradition and the Bible.

The claim that charismatic theology is based on either Tradition or the Bible is a fraud. The Charismatic Movement can justify itself only by PERVERTING Tradition and Bible. Charismatics favourite sourcing of course is the Bible, yet the Bible cannot substantiate charismatic theology at all; charismatic theology is not able to prove itself with the Bible except with REVERSE APPLICATIONS. Therefore, logic will always reject charismatic analysis of Bible passages as utter nonsense.

Charismatic theology is absent from Catholic Tradition as well. In fact nothing concerning the Charismatic Movement can ever move into the realm of Catholic Tradition, because the Charismatic Movement is a blatant contradiction to the Catholic faith. You see… rational evaluation is not possible; IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BRING SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS, on which the Charismatic Movement rests, INTO THE REALM OF CATHOLIC TRUTH. So for all intensive purposes the Charismatic Movement remains a delusion of silly people with as much authority as any man made religion or philosophy can appropriate on its own steam.


It has been said that the Charismatic Movement is the New Pentecost. But then where are the conversions? Where is the repentance? Where are the healings? Where is the growth in numbers? Where is this new Pentecost?

The power at Pentecost brought conversion and repentance. Charismatics seek the power, but not so much conversion or repentance. “Walking in the spirit” brings them feelings and emotional experiences. But since feelings and emotional experiences are not power, they fail to bring conversion and repentance.

There is no new Pentecost, only a delusion. There are no conversions to Christ in substantial numbers. Christianity is receding rather than advancing. There are as many leaving the Charismatic Movement as entering it. The problem is… most of those who leave the movement fail to take the time to clean up; they leave contaminated with false doctrines and worse.

Where is the repentance? The movement has dulled people’s senses to sin. I never forget what one woman told me at a Life in the Spirit Seminar. She said she had no sins. What was the point of confession – she lamented - for good people like her. Why did she need God’s mercy, she should be able to make it to heaven living a sinless life. She was no dummy though; she was a fifth grade teacher at a Catholic School. Evidently this is the result of endlessly seeking power and spiritual gifts in the Charismatic Movement. Go down on a Saturday afternoon and check out who goes to regular confession. Mostly those who managed to stay clear of the movement. Charismatics will be at confession only when it is obligatory: before Easter and Christmas and during a Life in the Spirit Seminar. The reason for that folks is simple: they are not sinners like the rest of us. For all the hoopla there is very little repenting in charismatic circles. This should be a good sign that something stinks… but not in Denmark.

Where are the healings and the miracles we keep hearing about? Just think! Every large charismatic gathering places great emphasis on healing. So then how come people are not getting healed? We hear a lot of bragging about healing, but in over ten years in the movement I have not met a single individual healed. If there would be healings at charismatic gatherings the word would spread; people would break down the doors to get healed. Have we seen the type of healings as in Acts? Where? Charismatics are satisfied with the emotional charge of healing services whether the needs are met or not.

Where is the new Pentecost? Where are the conversions? Where is the repentance? Where are the healings? Where is the growth in numbers? The Catholic Charismatic Movement turned out to be a false Pentecost.


Oftentimes charismatics would quote Acts 2 when the formerly meek men began boldly preaching the Gospel. 13 Some, however, laughed it off. 'They have been drinking too much new wine,' The only thing is that was a flippant accusation and couldn’t have been further from the truth. Because Peter rebuffs them 14 “Then Peter stood up with the Eleven and addressed them in a loud voice: 'Men of Judaea, and all you who live in Jerusalem, make no mistake about this, but listen carefully to what I say. 15 These men are not drunk, as you imagine; why, it is only the third hour of the day. So you see the apostles were not acting drunk. But this simple fact is lost on charismatics and they equate their own unruly behaviour with the apostles’ at Pentecost. What does the Charismatic Movement have in common with Pentecost anyway?

• Babbling in the Spirit?
• Slain (falling down) in the Spirit?
• Soaking in the Spirit?
• Drunk in the Spirit?
• Crying in the Spirit?
• Laughing in the Spirit?
• Shaking in the Spirit?

Because according to the Bible, none of these manifestations occurred at Pentecost. Now let us take a closer look.

Babbling in the Spirit
The apostles did not babble, they preached in actual languages.
Babbling in the Spirit is false teaching.

Slain in the Spirit
The apostles were not Slain in the Spirit.
Slain in the Spirit is false teaching.

Soaking in the Spirit
The apostles were not soaked in the Spirit.
Soaking in the Spirit is false teaching.

Drunk in the Spirit
The apostles were not falling to the ground, unable to speak or to get up.
Drunk in the Spirit is false teaching.

Crying in the Spirit
The apostles were not Crying in the Spirit.
Crying in the Spirit is false teaching.

Laughing in the Spirit
The apostles were not Laughing in the Spirit.
Laughing in the Spirit is false teaching.

Shaking in the Spirit
The apostles were not shaking in the Spirit.
Shaking in the Spirit is false teaching.

The Devil aping God and corrupting man have been played out many times since the Garden of Eden. This so called New Pentecost is one of his deceptions and many, many Catholics have “fallen” for it.

These guys are just babbling; repeating similar words. This is no language.

This is really sad


Who's Your Daddy? And really...

In case you are still under the false impression that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is different from Protestant Pentecostalism I am posting here part of an article by The Most Reverend William J. Levada, the former Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, who is now the prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.

It reveals where this so called “renewal” came from; heretical sects. Sad, but true, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal has never been a Catholic movement per se and consequently it has not renewed the Church; rather it contaminated it and continues to contaminate it with an alien spirit.

Pentecostal Catholics--The Catholic Charismatic Renewal

by The Most Reverend William J. Levada, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco

"Modern Pentecostalism began in 1906 in a small black Protestant church on Azusa Street in Los Angeles. It has had an astonishing growth -- first among Protestants in the United States, and in the latter decades of this century, across all denominations in Latin America, Africa and indeed throughout the world. Father Kilian McDonnell, OSB, the Collegeville Benedictine who is both theologian and chronicler of the movement, has recently opined that by the year 2000 the number of Pentecostals of all denominations will far exceed the number of Protestants and Orthodox combined.

The first group of Pentecostal Catholics experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the manner unique to Pentecostalism at Duquesne in Pittsburgh in 1967 and at Notre Dame in 1968. By 1972 Cardinal Suenens personally encountered the charismatic renewal, the preferred terminology for Catholics and mainline Protestants, for the first time during a visit to the United States. He was immediately taken by this encounter, appealing as it did to his keen desire to see the church flourish as in a new Pentecost through the work of the Holy Spirit. For him this amounted to a life-long goal."

For the full text of Archbishop Levada’s keynote address of May 31, 1996, delivered at the Cleveland symposium from which the foregoing was condensed, see Origins, CNS Documentary Service, June 20, 1996, Vol.26:No.5, The Charism of Cardinal Suenens. This article appeared in the February 1998 Edition of the San Francisco Charismatics (ISSN 1098-4056), the monthly newsletter of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Office of the Charismatic Renewal. The Charismatics is no longer published as directed by Levada then Archbishop of San Francisco.


Today’s Catholics have been led to believe the Charismatic Renewal is a movement of the Holy Spirit. They failed to grasp that that the movement is nothing more than catholicized Pentecostalism. There are Catholics who are unaware of Pentecostal history or that the movement was started by heretical sects. Or they may have heard about Azusa Street or the so called Pentecostal contribution, but after a while the information gets normalized, particularly when time after time the movement is endorsed by the Catholic clergy. And even though these same people would be scandalized by the goings on at Protestant Pentecostal services, they would not make the connection between Protestant Pentecostals and Catholic charismatics.

But Protestant Pentecostalism is where the Catholic Charismatic Renewal got its jump start. Even though, the movement has been catholicized and Catholic charismatics maintain some of their Catholic practices, (going to Mass and Eucharistic Adorations, etc) they mix it with distinctive Pentecostal style of worship. Worship styles of course are based on theology, so the differences go far deeper than mere posture, prayer and practice. And even though Catholic charismatics are less outrageous then their Protestant counterparts, charismatic Catholics have still greater affinity with Pentecostals than with other Catholics. The outlandish Pentecostal practices may not be the norm in Catholic circles, but they do go on. It might not be perceptible to outsiders, but people in the movement are quite familiar with this.

The Catholic Charismatic Movement began as a weekend experiment (emulating the Protestant Pentecostal experience) in 1967 by a handful of students and theology professors at the Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Forty years later; the Pentecostal movement has been revamped, catholicized and given a new title. By now the movement has firmly implanted itself into the Catholic Church and only major housecleaning could remove it. It will not burn itself out; far too many Catholics have been seduced by its alien theology. So much so, that Catholicism barely exists in the psyche of our Catholic youth of today. Even in its mildest forms, charismatism never strays too far from its murky beginnings; the outlandish behaviour, the superstition and the bad theology are all inherent components of it. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal is not all that different from its Pentecostal daddy; as no apple falls far from its tree.

Since the Protestant Pentecostal experience rests on personal insight as final authority; individual prophecies, individual messages from God, individual revelations, and individual and subjective interpretations all but replaced the traditional guidance the Church has provided for two millennia. The Pentecostal Trojan horse has been among us for four decades now; snaring clergy and laity; actively working to undermine the Catholic Church.


right from the horses mouth:
"I grew up pentecostal. This kind of garbage happens in pentecostal churches all the time. It may not be happening in your church but this is the kind of thing that the pentecostal movement was founded on."

"The following study was published by the Central Bureau Press, 3835 Westminster Place, St. Louis, MO 63108, in 1973 with the Imprimatur of the Most Rev. Charles R. Koester, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It proved to be one of the first analyses of the Pentecostalist excesses which characterized what would later become known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Since such excesses unfortunately still disfigure that movement, the study retains its value to Catholics concerned at the strange, pretentious and sometimes bizarre behavior exhibited by those claiming extraordinary gifts given by the Holy Spirit."
The Pentecostalism Controversy is an excellent article and is worth reading it in full!


Catholics lusting for Pentecostal power was not restricted to the DuQuesne experimentation. Catholics began to consulting Pentecostals how to get laid in the spirit. In a few years the movement spread throughout the States, Canada and Europe. I wanted what they had said John Hampsch CMF, best selling author and world-wide lecturer. Fr Hampsch got his first anointing at a small Pentecostal sect. I was terrified. Here I was a Catholic priest going down to a basement for anointing. (You think?) You too can have Power! POWER! - hollered Fr Hampsch at the 1989 Catholic Charismatic Conference in Kamloops. But don’t bother with his website; you have to actually buy some of his stuff to get to the good parts. Things like, how he observed raising the dead among Pentecostals. After buying some of his tapes I received his “Dear Hampsch-ters” news letters for several years.

But Fr Hampsch was not the only one. There were scores of Catholic priests and religious running around seeking Pentecostal power. There were laymen too, Ralph Martin, Bill Story, Steve Clark, Ralph Keiffer; they all got turned on by Pentecostal sects. Then in turn they cris-crossed the continent baptizing others, including many priests and religious. The Protestant influence may not be evident with superfluous observation, but as soon as you dig or submerge yourself into the Charismatic Movement this becomes clear beyond any conceivable doubt.

"Ranaghan recounted that in the early days, in order to "grow in the spirit", he and his friend sought spiritual advice from a Protestant prayer-group: "In the beginning the contact with Pentecostals of our area helped us to grow in an understanding and experience of the charisms.

We met in the home of the representative of the Full-Gospel Businessmen. And when he heard that a group of Catholics was coming, he rallied the troops, and brought in several Pentecostal ministers and a room full of prayer warriors to engage in what they were sure would be a hard-fought battle. What they found was the most shockingly easy prayer-time they had ever known. We claimed that we had already been baptized in the Holy Spirit, which they found hard to believe because, after all, we were Catholics." (The audience broke into great laughter, in joyful mockery of the "exclusive salvation" doctrines of the Catholic Church). He continued, "We said that we just wanted their help and advice on yielding to and using the gifts. They laid hands on us, and one by one the whole roomful of us started to pray and sing in tongues. No battle, just a victory celebration." (thunderous applause) "Praise God for the old-time Pentecostals and for the independent charismatics God sent our way in those days ... Yes, from the beginning, it was an ecumenical celebration." John Vennari, “A "Catholic" Charismatic Extravaganza”

Pentecostalism was eventually revamped for Catholic tastes. Its true origin underplayed or even denied, it was presented as an authentic movement of the Holy Spirit. By calling it Catholic Charismatic Renewal there was no room left to question its catholicity. An elaborate charismatic theology was developed to authenticate it. Were Cardinal Suenens and his cronies successful turning what was essentially a Protestant movement into a Catholic one? Was the Church victorious transforming Pentecostalism and at the same time integrating Pentecostal precepts? A Leopard Can't Change His Spots.


But doesn't the Pope support the Charismatic Movement?
Didn't three popes sanction the movement?

Only if self promotion counts. The Church never endorsed this movement officially. Read IS IT OFFICIAL OR NOT.

But doesn't The Holy Spirit protect his Church?

The Holy Spirit is not a genie. "The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter, that by His revelation they might make new doctrine, but that by His assistance they might inviolably keep and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith delivered through the Apostles." - (Vatican I)

The biggest mistake people make is equating papal addresses and bishop communiqués with Catholic Dogma. These communiqués are not binding for anybody. Where infallibility is not invoked, there is a possibility for error. There were false movements in the Church before, some took several hundred years before the Church expelled them. But eventually every false movement is discarded because the Holy Spirit will never abandon the Church. But there are limits to Divine Protection, because man has free will. Some people erroneously think that the Holy Spirit is a kind of genie guiding the pope's and bishops' every step and rubber stamping everything that they put forth. If that were true then why have Dogmas, Bible, Canon Laws, etc? Yes the Holy Spirit guides, but the leaders don't always listen and sometimes they listen to the wrong voice or for the wrong reason. The Church has supernatural help to define truth and to guarantee that its Sacraments are effective. But to say that every decision, every utterance coming from the Pope is protected by the Holy Spirit is just Catholic fundamentalism; a kind of papalotry.

But aren't a large number of bishops supporting the Charismatic Renewal?

What of it? During the Arian heresy, forty percent of Catholic bishops became Arian and twice as many supported it. If we are to believe that bishops never teach error, than we would have to say that Arian bishops were not teaching error. But Arianism was not the only heresy thought by a large number of bishops. There were countless other heretical sects that had their origins in heretical Catholic clergy. From the beginning of Christianity, the Church has been attacked by false teachings, or heresies; Judas Iscariot being the first of many.

We have been warned that this would happen. As Paul told Timothy, "For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).


Did the Church recognize the Charismatic Renewal as an authentic movement of the Holy Spirit or not?

As Catholics we know truth by what the Catholic Church has infallibly defined. Also "No doctrine is understood as defined infallibly unless this is manifestly evident" [Can. 749 §3].

"[W]e teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals" [Pastor aeternus 4].

If we followed charismatic logic - that John Paul II and Benedict XVI approved the Charismatic Renewal, simply because they officially welcomed their delegations, we would have to raise similar disproportionate claims.

Did either one of these popes sanction Buddhism, present day Judaism, Voodoo, Islam etc? The Pope, both as religious leader and head of state, conducts all his meetings with genuine warmth and collegiality, that’s just how these things go. But these meetings do not include official approval or sanctioning of ANYTHING. It would be illogical to assume that based on the events depicted by these photographs the popes would have endorsed the various religions, special interest groups, individuals or whatever they represent - and yet charismatics do just that! They keep bringing up the various papal addresses to charismatic delegations as if they were conclusive confirmations of papal support. It just doesn’t work that way!

To date the Church has not even made an “official definition” about the Charismatic Renewal. You see… there is a difference between an official statement and an official making a statement. An official statement (at least in the Catholic Church) must be true. An official making a statement could be true or in error. (And we are all familiar with popes making errors in their ordinary Magisterium.)

Papal audiences are NOT official statements; when the Pope welcomes a group or when the Pope converses with individuals representing a group. The statements made by the Pope at these events are private statements and they cannot be construed as “official statements”. Besides there are lots of quotes attributed to popes out of context, sometimes fabricated... But even if John Paul II had fondness for the Charismatic Renewal… well, what of it? He also liked Polish sausage. Does it mean that we are to eat Polish sausage? No it doesn’t. When a Pope makes an official statement, he makes it clear so it can be perceived as such. Official statements are meant for the entire Church. There are no such statements in existence concerning the Charismatic Renewal and for a good reason. The renewal contradicts the Magisterium, but a Pope cannot. To quote Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the Supreme Pontiff's authority:

"…the First Vatican Council had in no way defined the pope as an absolute monarch. On the contrary, it presented him as the guarantor of obedience to the revealed Word. The pope's authority is bound to the Tradition of faith... Even the pope can only be a humble servant... The authority of the pope is not unlimited; it is at the service of Sacred Tradition. . . ." (Unbeliebigkeit). (pp. 165-166, THE SPIRIT OF THE LITURGY, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)

Of course the Pope does not mandate everything and individual bishops have a lot of power themselves. But much of that power has been taken out of context, even abused, since “grave reasons” and “original directives not withstanding” seem incomprehensible to the bishops of our day.

There are a number of popes who have, on their own, directly made comments about the Charismatic Renewal. Of course popes making private statements are NOT official statements. The faithful is not required to follow private statements, not even from popes, and certainly not when these are in contradiction to Sacred Tradition or the Scriptures.

People don’t seem to appreciate the difference between Doctrines and disciplines (which are really customs) and even less between Dogmas and Doctrines. Every Dogma is a Doctrine, but not every Doctrine is a Dogma. Dogmas are infallible truths; incapable of failure or error while doctrines are fallible and could possibly fail or be inaccurate. So when people jump up and down insisting on some supposed “Catholic Doctrine”, be aware that unless a Doctrine is also a Dogma it may or it may not be an infallible truth.

Dogmas are the divinely revealed truths of our faith that were infallibly proclaimed by the Church. For example: Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Matrimony and this was later proclaimed infallibly by the Council of Trent. (It was NOT invented by the Church later.)

"Doctrine" literally means teaching that has never been "officially" defined by the Magisterium of the Church. There is no document we can point to and say, "Look here it is, this is where it says it’s infallible!"

If something is not in the Catechism, we are not required to follow it. There is certainly no “Charismatic Renewal”, or "baptism in the spirit" or "getting slain in the spirit" or "praying in tongues” in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And there is nothing about the Charismatic Renewal or any its hokie practices in the Canons or in the Papal Encyclicals either.

Any deviation from the established norms would require more than just a handful of papal comments or welcome addresses to some interest group. Any deviation or addition to the faith or to its practice would have to be PROCLAIMED UNIVERSALLY, and a comment such as “I am convinced” fails to meet that criteria. It is but a private opinion of someone who happens to be pope. Certainly, we owe His Holiness respect every time he speaks, but we are required to give our filial obedience only to those of his statements which do not contradict Holy Tradition or the Scriptures.

In 1990 the Pontifical Council for the Laity recognized the Catholic Fraternity of Covenant Communities as a private association of the laity, but to date no official pronouncement has been made on the Charismatic Renewal! None! Nada! But that does not stop the charismatics from attributing infallibility to unofficial papal statements in their favor as much as they pay no attention to authoritative pronouncements made to the contrary.

Everything can be given a spin to manipulate truth. Governments do it, business does it, interest groups do it and the Charismatic Renewal is no different.


The Charismatic Movement revived several heresies condemned by the Church: Gnosticism, Montanism, Messalianism, and Nominalism.

Gnosticism is a heresy proclaiming a secret knowledge; making its possessors the only true believers. Historically the Church condemns Gnosticism, St Paul in his letter to Timothy called it "Profane novelties of words” and “oppositions of knowledge”.

Montanism is a heresy claimed to operate under a "new outpouring of the Spirit" and that the Holy Spirit was supplementing the revelation of Christ. The Montanists were condemned by Pope St. Zephyrinus. (199-217)

Messalianism is a heresy originated in Mesopotamia in A.D. 360. The Messalians believed prayer was the only way to possessing the Holy Spirit. The Messalianists were condemned by various bishops and councils of the Church.

Nominalism is a modern day theory claiming there are no absolutes, except senses and feelings. This philosophy led to the denial of several doctrines of the Church; including the divinity of Christ and the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In that case would it be logical to deduct that we are dealing with a heretical movement?


"What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

There is nothing new under the Sun, not when it comes to old idolatry's resurging. From cults to politics there is nothing really new. Man has been trying to reinvent his relationship with God, never quite figuring it out and making a mess of things. In all these manly efforts man will always fall short in figuring out the God business.

The Israelites danced around the golden calf c. 13th-12th centuries B.C.E. The Shakers were doing a whole lot of shaking back in the 1700’s. Then the Methodists were at it in the early 1800's. The Pentecostals started their hoot and holler in the 1900's. Finally the Catholics joined in the madness in the 1960's.

How could any of this become Catholic? When did holy laughter, shouting, drunkenness in the spirit, slain in the spirit, dancing in the spirit, jerking and spasms become part of Catholic worship?

Watch the following videos: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal started in places much like THESE. The Church had the greatest treasure on Earth; the Eucharist, and yet some of our leaders; clergy and nuns went to places like these for that initial “anointing” which in turn they brought into the Church... and with it an alien theology and practice. Oh sure they toned it down... even catholicized some of it, but make no mistake where the Catholic Charismatic Renewal came from; from heretic cults such as these!


Could the Holy Spirit be responsible for a movement that would have Catholics seeking Him outside the Church? Could the Holy Spirit be responsible for a movement that have existed in heretical sects? Could the Holy Spirit be responsible for a movement that flatly contradicts Catholic spirituality? If that wasn't the case what could be the logic behind the Charismatic Movement?

The Charismatics seem to have an obsession with the Holy Spirit. At the same time charismatic culture hinders the Holy Spirit through human psychology and demonic mysticism. Charismatics replaced the Holy Spirit’s power with base manipulations and entertainment. Human cleverness and entrepreneurial exploits are gaining the Church new converts and are seducing our youth. The Church should be growing by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by human and demonic maneuverings. But when you establish false standards of sanctification, false standards of spirituality, you actually quench the work of the Holy Spirit.

Charismatics are praying to the Holy Spirit. But neither Jesus nor the apostles did that. Jesus thought us to pray to the Father - through Him (the Lord Jesus) - by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-15; Romans. 1:8 - 7:25) and Paul taught us to pray to God the Father through the Lord Jesus.

"The Charismatic Renewal is interested in the Holy Spirit in a sense. But those I have talked to are not really all that interested in the Holy Spirit. But as to Who He is, and what He is, what His relation is to the Son, what His function is in the plan of God, they've never given a thought. Their primary concern is the stimulation they can get from it." — Frank Sheed

The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal power.
The Holy Spirit cannot be wielded.
The Holy Spirit does not work on demand.
The Holy Spirit does not do things that can be seen, felt or heard.


The Holy Spirit is a Person.
The Holy Spirit is intelligent. (1 Cor. 2:10-11)
The Holy Spirit has feelings. (Eph. 4:30)
The Holy Spirit has a will. (1 Cor. 12:1).


“Nations die of softening of the brain, which, for a long time, passes for softening of the heart.” (Coventry Patmore)

Charismatics self validate. What they fail to take into account is that every religious system can validate; offer ethical norms, (integrity, caring, compassion, generosity, moderation, commitment, peace, enthusiasm and so on) and the promise of justice, spiritual growth and eventual bliss to their followers. Yet no matter how sincere or convinced these followers are; every religious system cannot be right at the same time.

Testimonies are subjective experiences and for every testimony there is a contradictory testimony somewhere with equally compelling arguments. So it makes absolutely no difference how convinced people are about their religion. That is why testimonies can never be accepted as proof. Indeed, that is not the Catholic way. What does this mean then in terms of the vast array of contradictory religious systems? In the end it means that the majority of people who are certain about their religion are -- wrong.

Charismatic self-validation is based on religious experience.

The charismatic says

1. “The experience I had is from God, because I feel that it was.” This is fallacious reasoning. Feelings are not necessarily related to reality. No matter how strong, feelings don't change facts. Feelings are poor substitutes for information and rigorous inquiry.

2. “The experience I had is from God, because it changed me for the better.” This sort of explanation is generally followed by a charismatic infomercial, which can range from fantastic to imbecilic with a blend of pretentious humility and smug arrogance. As Fr Hampsch said “the good thing about charismania is that you don't have to be humble.” har har

Catholic truth cannot be validated with personal experiences. (Matt. 7:21-23); and Judas Iscariot was the classic example. (John 17:12) Experience must always submit itself to the Magisterium and to the Scriptures for authenticity.

The willingness to serve, generous giving, concern and love for others do not authenticate the Charismatic Renewal. We find the same traits among followers of false religions as well. Shintoism, Taoism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Falun Gong, New Age, DLM, Hare Krishna, Islam, Christian Science, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientology, Mormonism, etc. all have some very nice and devout followers.

I have seen my father weep over Sweedenborg. I knew necromancers who freely gave everything they had. I grew up in a household saturated with new age. Despite all that, my parents were deeply religious and compassionate people. My husband has an atheist friend. One would be hard pressed to find another person who volunteers or cares as much as that man. I know a young woman who would be most certainly dead from a drug overdose, if she didn’t meet her future husband who is a Jehovah Witness. Can any of this prove that new age, necromancy, atheism or the JW religion are from God?

Feeling close to God is no proof either. Some of our saints never had spiritual consolations. Yet the psychic world offers plenty. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that Catholicism has to be dry and without spiritual consolations. But spiritual consolations do not validate anything, besides the counterfeit is able to stir up the same effects... so how something FEELS, in this case the feeling of holiness is no proof of authenticity or that the feeling is from God.


for sure!

Time and time again I heard renewal priests say “You have to accept Jesus as your personal savior”. Come again?

I, a sacramentalized cradle Catholic, repeating the Creed on Sundays and praying the Rosary, haven’t I been “saved” thousands of times already? Why do they do that? Don’t they know we are already saved? Why do we have to follow some fundamentalist formula? Doesn’t this take the bang out of our Sacraments just a little? But they make you do it at the Life in the Spirit Seminars and at charismatic conferences. Just so nobody will be missed... ever. We wouldn't want our Protestant brethren think that some of us were not born again!

"Are you saved?" asks the Fundamentalist. The Catholic should reply: "As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5ñ8), but Iím also being saved (1 Cor. 1:18, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9ñ10, 1 Cor. 3:12ñ15). Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11ñ13)." Source

Are Catholics Saved?

Catholics believe they are saved. They have been baptized, as instructed in the Bible. They accept Jesus as their personal savior on a REGULAR BASIS, not just once.


Priests who are involved in the Charismatic Movement are generally progressive with heterodox leanings. They tend not to emphasize Catholic Doctrine; their interest lies elsewhere. What they end up promoting is often contradictory to Catholic doctrine. But have no fear, even the most outrageous ideas can be dressed up to appear Catholic and every initiative can find sufficient support for take off.


from Richard Rohr's conference „The Enneagram. The Discernment of Spirits." here

Update: Embedding has been disabled by request, but here is a link to watch the same video.

"The Enneagram is an ancient spiritual tool for teaching discrimination between good and evil, between sin and virtue. It has foundations in all three of the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Sufi Islam, because the wisdom is universal, deep and life-changing for all searching peoples."

(Fr. Richard will be holding the conference "The Enneagram and Paradox" in Assisi, Italy from 29 May until 1 June, 2008.)

Then there is Fr. Rohr’s “Thomas Mass”

and the “Thomas Mass” is a Rohring mess!

What the heck is a “Thomas Mass”? It’s not real Mass. Thomas Mass is a Mass like worship service.

Rohr’s Thomas Mass was summed up here “Unfortunately, as a spiritual midwife - presiding over a play-acting “mass,” offering revisionist scripture, trying to democratize and politicize religion, particularly among fellow Catholics – his gift to the world is only so much Rohring ego-vision. That’s pretty miserly for a fellow who might have brought them to God.”

Jesus told us to call God “Father”, but Rohr knows better than Jesus. According to Fr Rohr God is "Father-Mother", which can only mean that God is a hermaphrodite. @

At the 2007 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Franciscan Fr Richard Rohr “prefaced the Our Father, by saying, “and now, knowing we are more one than we are many, though we come from different places and races, we all share the same Father-Mother God. We call upon our God, together, in the words that Jesus gave us: Our Father, Who art in Heaven...”

Fr. Richard Rohr, founding director of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) was keynote speaker for the June 2003 National Young Adult Conference in Albuquerque. Read the Table of Contents

But alas that is not all his flakiness.

The processional hymn was accompanied by bongo drums, the liturgical dancers twirled huge banners down the aisles, the intercessions were accompanied by hand movements, the sashaying offertory procession had more banners, liturgical dancers, a white tablecloth, a large wicker breadbasket of hosts and wine plastic pitchers.

Rohr prayed over the gifts, “...make sure this people is hungry and ready to eat. Make sure we are not so filled with ourselves that there is not room for another person within us. Loving God, make sure this people is very hungry”; 'cause "I am Richard. So Hear me Rohr". @ Another article by Stephanie Block exposes the pro-homosexual leanings of the nationally known writer and lecturer Fr. Richard Rohr.

October 1996: Fathers Rohr & Robinson hold a homosexual commitment ceremony at CAC for Center’s co-director, Wendy Corry.

Rohr writes, four years after the CAC commitment ceremony: “Without wanting to take sides here on this immensely divisive issue, one must admit that the mainline Christian position held by most of the churches against same sex marriage, with the exception of the United Church of Christ, creates a situation that in effect encourages the very promiscuity that it rightly condemns.” (On the Horns of a Dilemma: Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality, Radical Grace, 10-12/01)


Cool dude, Fr Stan Fortuna, banalizer of the Catholic Faith rapped to the Holy Mother to "cook you in an oven like a corn muffin and slice you down the center, slather butter on you and make you tender”

Fr. Stan Fortuna on YouTube:
Zipper Zone · Rich Ralley · Palm Sunday 2007 · School of the Eucharist


Prominent Polish cleric plans to launch a new perfume line:

"Father Henryk Jankowski made his chops while taking part in strikes which led to the end of communism in 1989 as part of the Solidarity movement. Setting out his plans, Fr Jankowski told the daily Dziennik newspaper that his initiative would "do everyone good".

"I am for it as long as it serves a good purpose," he said. "If necessary I will also sing and dance." From Creative Minority Report Smells Like Holy Spirit -- smells more like sulphur to me.


If this a new breed of Catholic priest... then Heaven help us!

"nothing but a hound dog" takes on a new meaning...
Priest by day rock star at night: Fr. Antoniu Petrescu, parish priest in Avezzano, Abruzzo, Italy


On a pilgrimage to Graceland?

Fr. Antoniu’ own website


Fr. Sergio saying mass in his gold mask

Fr Sergio Gutierrez Benitez AKA Fray Tormenta is Dominican priest at day and wrestler at night. He was trained in Rome and Spain and taught philosophy and history at Roman Catholic universities in Mexico.


Rev. Robert VerEecke, SJ teaches liturgical dancing at Boston College

“Shall We Dance? Grace Incarnate!

How is Grace embodied? The expression of God’s Spirit moving through the body in the Grace of the dance can enable us to see Grace working. Whether you feel graceful or graceless this workshop offers simple movements to help you awake to grace.” (Robert VerEecke, S.J. Religious Education Congress 2005)



"Money, Money, Money" - ABBA
“Boulevard of Broken Dreams” – Green Day
“My Friends Over You” - New Found Glory
" Innocent” - Our Lady Peace
“I’m Free” - The Soup Dragons
“The Middle” – Jimmy Eat World
“Hunger Strike” – Temple of the Dog
“Higher” – Creed
“Highway to Hell” – AC/DC
“Stairway to Heaven” – Led Zeppelin
“Celebration” – Kool and the Gang
“Fly on the Windscreen – Final” – Depeche Mode
“My Sundown” – Jimmy Eat World
“Stayin’ Alive’ – The Bee Gees
“You Light Up My Life” – Debbie Boone
“All the Small Things” – Blink 182
“Dare You to Move” – Switchfoot
“Meant to Live” – Switchfoot
“Hanging by a Moment” – Lifehouse
“Everything” – Lifehouse
“I Can See Clearly Now” – Johnny Nash
“Play it Loud” – MxPx
"Don't Walk Away" – MxPx
“Top of the World” – Carpenters
“I’m So Excited” – The Pointer Sisters
“Closing Time” - Semisonic
"Chance of a Lifetime" – Mest
“Loser” – Beck
“Epiphany” – Staind
“Life of a Salesman” - Yellowcard
"Without You Here" - Eve 6
“Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” – U2
“With or Without You” - U2
“A Letter to Elise” – The Cure
“Trust” – The Cure
“Alive” – P.O.D.
"Jesus is Just All Right" - The Doobie Brothers
“It’s The End of The World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” – REM
“What’s Love Got to Do With It” – Tina Turner
“Thank You for Being a Friend” – Andrew Gold
“Love is in the Air” – John Paul Young
“Wind Beneath My Wings” – Bette Midler
“The Impossible Dream” – Andy Williams @



In Bombay, a Catholic priest, Fr. Francis Barboza SVD, uses classical Hindu dance in his ministry. Barboza adapted Hindu rituals and customs including chandan (kumkum, vibhuti, and aarati. He calls it “inculturalization”. (Lumiere du Monde, November 1983)

Check out Barboza's Stage Presentations the links reveal a frightening hodgepodge of Christian with the Pagan.

"Recital based on Lord Rama & Lord Jesus."
"Recital based on Lord Siva & Lord Christ."
"In the Name of All Gods" - "Recital on major Religions of the World."
"A Ballet based on the life of Maria Rafola, a nun from Spain who worked for the poor and sick."
"A Ballet based on the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu."
"A short ballet on the life and activity of Shri Laludeva, a Sindhi Deity."

There is a well known book by Michael S. Rose titled Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church. Sad to say that many of Rose’s allegations are true. If you were to read it or have read it already, you may be interested in a balanced critique by Fr Robert J. Johansen as it appeared on "Culture Wars". What is most disconcerting is not what Fr Johansen disagrees with, but what he found accurate in Rose's writings.

Who's dancing in church, and why? by David Aaron Murray from Adoremus Bulletin

You're orthodox? You're fired! Karl Keating's January 20, 2004 e-letter.